Avoid Computer Downtime In Your Business

Computer Downtime is estimated to cost business many billions of dollars every year, as reported by Gartner.

If you are finding regular downtime is affecting your business you have to realise that every hour that staff can’t work is money down the drain.

On top of that, losing the ability to transact business with customers can cause many headaches and cost a lot of money also.

By following a few simple rules, Computer Downtime can be kept to an absolute minimum.

Set it Up Properly

If the system is setup properly in the first place, with the right equipment, 95% of computer problems will be taken care of. In most cases it is more cost effective to replace an aging Server, than to risk computer downtime or data loss.


Anti-Virus, Firewalls, and Spam Filters ensure that no unwanted access will occur. With increasing amounts of spam and viruses, it is important to have an up to date solution to protect you adequately.


Like a car, your computer systems need to be regularly looked after and maintained. Although it may cost a small amount to arrange this, you’ll find that your staff will become more productive, and over the long-term, reactive computer support will not be required.

Keep it Up To Date

Your software, and your anti-virus needs to remain up to date in order to remain affective against new security threats and problems. It is important that this is monitored and corrective action is taken if required.

Employee Usage

Developing a company Computer Use Policy is vital to control the use of computers by employees. This will ensure no security is breached, and non-work websites are not viewed during work hours.

Following those few steps will ensure that you minimise your computer downtime, and in turn this means more money left in your pocket at the end of the year.